Prepared to Welcome You
Written by: Kate Konopka

Over the last 75+ years Reds has withstood the test of time, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges. The current social state, as a result of the recent pandemic, has certainly caused many in the restaurant and hospitality industries to consider what it will mean for our customers, those employed by us, and the vitality of our businesses in the long and short term.
Having been in continuous operation longer than any other restaurant in Greene County, we at Reds have had to manage the ebbs and flows of that long history and will continue to do that now. The role of a restaurant in a local community extends well beyond that of a nicety. It is a place where people of all walks of life can escape their daily obligations to engage with family and friends over a meal, many times making memories and building bonds with others that could never be accomplished over social media. Sure, we could skype, facetime, or snapchat with those we love or want to get to know, but it will never replace the magic that happens in a live interaction. A restaurant is a place where the human connection is nourished and can transform the lives of all who experience it.
As has been the case so many times before in the history of Reds, being able to adapt and innovate in times of uncertainty is imperative. This time is no different. As we navigate the possibilities to adjust in this uncertain business climate, please know that first and foremost we are committed to maintaining a clean safe environment for all who enter our doors, encouraging all who work or dine with us to exercise enhanced hygiene practices. Our sanitation procedures are being closely reviewed daily to ensure the highest standard possible. We are determined to not let fear replace facts and to continue to be a place where our community members feel safe and comfortable meeting and dining. With that being said, we will continue to keep abreast of any and all changes in the health climate and will make appropriate adjustments as necessary.
In the meantime, whether you dine in person or choose to take dinner to go, please know that Joe and I, and our entire staff are eagerly prepared to welcome you at Reds! We are still planning events and promotions to keep our community engaged and vibrant, and hope you’ll be inspired to feed your body and soul with Reds in the days ahead.